Re: Vadrudi's customs and history

From: Boris yarko <babeldemeter3_at_Jm3j0Ky8vaf7IpGeiQWsb3qLS9n1Z5NUAb5ocR8lB06XEIHQ1be1ExdIqI51H2>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:06:36 -0000

> Boris yarko
> > I'm writing up something about the ygg'islands and their
> > inhabitants,

> You might enjoy a look at Sandy Petersen's Yggling campaign:

Thanks for the link, I also have found several information there :

And there was a very interesting, long and creative thread on the subject on the french list some years ago :

> While Ygg is a grandson of Vadrus, his people also are descended
> from Nelarinna, a niiad of Neleom's lineage (a kinswoman of Warera
> Triolina, btw - distant kin to the Waertagi, or, if you believe one
> old genealogical myth, the Malkioni in general).

Where is it stated ? Is it official ?

I just found in Anaxial Rooster (p. 105 in the french edition : "Wartaïm's descendants"), that Lord Black Ice, also called Valind, was the son of Osserelta (from which I know nothing), and that the Ouori are Ygg's brothers or half-brothers.

> > 1) What are the fundamental laws in a vadrudi society ? apart from
> > Umath's "Violence is always an option" & "Hospitality is sacred"
> > and Vadrus' "Might makes Right" & "If there's no more stranger to
> > slay, then try kin".
> I'd rephrase the last phrase into "conquer" rather than "slay".

Right, they're violent but not psychopath.

> I'm fairly certain that they value kinship fairly high, but that
> they also have ways to renounce kinship if kin treats them unfairly.

But I don't think they value kinship more than power...

> > 2) are there myths involving Vadrus or his kin ?

> There's Thryk the Winter Giant, a foe of Orlanth, there's Walindum's
> glacial assault on Danmalastan/Brithos (in Revealed Mythologies),

Thank for the leads !

> > 3) Who are the known relatives of Vadrus ? except Valin and Ygg ?

> Paternal kin:
> Orlanth and his kin, Storm Bull and his kin, Humakt (and as possible
> kin, Arkat), Kolat and his kin. Ragnaglar's kin, too...

So I have to create my own kin of Vadrus :

_ Warostar, the shrieking wind
_ Walamaldyr, the northern waterspout (Ygg's young brother)
_ Wekaramath, the ice-sword wind
_ and so on

> Maternal kin: unknown, as is Vadrus' mother.
> (I guess that this means maternal kin has little influence in
> Vadrudi society.)

I have splitted my yggites into two bloodlines :

  1. the Wos (male bloodline) who worshipp Ygg, Valind and the vadrudi pantheon (sacrifice), they are descendants of Ygg's clan of Stormbrothers. They are in charge with war, plunder, trade, navigation, protection from the outside (especially the waters that keep trying to submerge the Ygg's islands.
  2. the Oreas (female bloodline), who worshipp (ecstatic rites) the earth spirits of the islands (previously knowns as "the thousand hills", and preserved from total submersion by their alliance with Ygg's clan during the Great Darkness), they are are the descendants of Vendreas'clan of earth nymphes.

So boys and girls follow distinct initiations, rites and divinities/spirits.

> > 4) What do we know about the involvement of the Vadrudis in the
> > strife between the Water and the Storm Tribe ?

> They raided the sea gods for wives and started several lineages of
> merfolk (Cetoi, Piscoi, indirectly also Zabdamar) and land folk
>(Yggites from Ygg's "marriage" to Nelarinna, some Malkioni lineages
> from Aerlit and Warera).

As Ygg is also a deity born from Air (Valind) and Water (?), as the "Sea Storm", I'd rather seen him "marrying" an earth deity to beget the Yggites than another water deity, who will increase the "watery" part of the Yggites... Descendants of Ygg, the half water deity, and a naiade would be some kind of mermen IMO.


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