Re: Dorastor in the Second Age

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_isG-2BE3qKENgI5Z1c8XRww4nNHsQemyRcR1UjoI0CF8vFd1xFsmq-ShPQm2_VXE99p_1Fg>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 08:40:00 -0700

> Is Dorastor in the second age any different than Dorastor in the third
> age (Dorastor: Land of Doom and Lords of Terror).

Doastor mutates within itself, so geography might be different. Ralzakark may not have awakened yet, depending on your campaign date. But in general, it's a cesspit of chaos and uncertainty.

> I am assuming there
> is a difference, and that this land is a stumbling block for the EWF
> who wish to expand into Ralios to establish the Great Dragon.

It is. Dorastor is generaly too dangerous to cross. The general method of passage over the steep Rockwoods is to fly.

> What is
> the general nature and culture of the surrounding lands (Bilini and
> Talastar).

They are Orlanthi lands, troubled by their proximity to Doastor and culturally influenced by the ciilizations closest to them.

> It seems that even though Dorastor is a `very bad' land that
> enterprising or foolish merchants would try, once in a while, to
> establish a trade route through Dorastor to get to Ralios. Or maybe
> Dorastor is similar to Mordor in `The Lord of the Rings?'

It's worse than Mordor in that is is chaotic. I am not sure that there ae people capable of crossing it when it is seethingly chaotic. The Lunars do, later, but they have more power over/more friendship with chaos.

> Is Dorastor full of ruins of ancient cities from the first age? What
> might one encounter when traveling through Dorastor? Do winds of
> Chaos or winds carrying passion spirits come out of Dorastor from time
> to time causing plagues in Sylila (how to pronounce?). Is Sylila
> raided regularly by denizens from Dorastor and Talastar?

Yes to all those.
Si Lee La.

> Does anyone
> try to colonize Dorastor?

Not, not until the Telmori go in, and later, elves of Rist go there.

> Is Nysalor/Gbaji responsible for continuing chaotic activity in
> Dorastor? Is he really dead (or has that ever been established)?

He's dead.

> What are surrounding area views of these dieties (say in Sylila?)

They loath them.

> I have Cults of Terror and I am wondering if I should purchase
> Dorastor, Land of Doom, or would it do me any great amount of good for
> the Second Age?

Yes, I think it would be exremely valuable to indicarte what the land is like, even in the 2nd age. I think there is a history too,w hich would prove helpful.

Greg Stafford

Issaries, Inc.
c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA            

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