how many Argraths?

From: Roger McCarthy <r.f.mccarthy_at_BKpjyrET_5s5AFBg8Qwmr4j35JULXxGt0euOo1wY6NUEH9eAscUrwD5pW229k6y>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:39:19 -0000

<janewilliams20_at_...> wrote:  

> KoS. AWB is listed as one of Kallyr's earliest
> supporters.

Other than the Annotated Argrath's Saga account of the meta-composite-Argrath's sojourn amongst the Praxians and founding of the White Bull society the first specific reference for AWB in KoS is p152:

'In Prax AWB raised a huge army and marched upon the city of Pavis...the walls were broken by ancient magic...the howling blood md horde marched against Sartar. Tatius sent a demon....the nomads were slaughtered but Argrath's body was not among those left to the hyenas'

(CHoDP 'Tatius the Bright' 1625 following immediately on from an account of the concentration of all available troops at the new temple by Tatius 'when spring came')

So in this account AWB and his nomads never even reach Sartar - and no connection between AWB and Kallyr (who is presumably still in the Holy Country - although not with Broyan who is also falling victim to an army-devouring demon at this time)is mentioned.

Two pages later on p154 Kallyr after having been named queen and warlord by 'the convocation of all leaders' called after the Dragonrise:

'immediately set to preapring for the Lunar retaliation which she was sure would come. She gained the loyalty of the Telmori, of the Thunder Brothers and of Argarth White Bull of Prax'.

So Kallyr's first canonical connection with AWB is only established after she has been elected 'queen and warlord' in late 1625.

Thus making him 'one of her earliest supporters' is something of a stretch given that AWB apparently had no involvement with the rebellion until after it had succeeded and that Kallyr had already gained the formal support of 'all the leaders' before AWB joined her.

There is also no Argrath listed amongst 'Kallyr's Companions' in Jalk's Book and neither is one mentioned in the description of the Dragonrise in CHoDP - which to me at least suggests that none of the Argrath's were amongst Kallyr's supporters until after she became queen in winter 1625.

So all KoS specifically tells us about AWB is that he was from Prax, stormed Pavis, unfortunately mislaid his entire army en route to Sartar and then re-appeared some time after the Dragonrise as a supporter of Kallyr.

Unless I've missed a reference it tells us nothing about AWB's later activities, does not state whether AWB later supported Kallyr against the other Argrath(s) when they fell out, and certainly does not preclude AWB being that 'other Argrath' and/or 'the Argrath' who eventually become High King.                     

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