Re: Real World Vingans

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_TlxblaD0nquhP-wSO4LRXE-5RkuN2bGY8ZhpWsq1R7BVD0yk1o7gox-9h4g8BP1g0BqajS->
Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 09:17:42 -0700

YGWV Quoting Jane Williams <>:

> --- Greg Stafford <> wrote:
>> > Would they take the male role in marriage?
>> Sometimes.

I'll even change that to be, "If they get married they always have the male role."

> Presumably that is to some extent the point. Otherwise
> there's no real difference between male and female
> Vingans anyway.

I'm not precisely sure what you mean here, but let me clear about what I mean. There is no real diference between Vingans. They do the job of men. They are "as men."
There are many tales of how she "is a man." The stories of her getting pregnant--the unique female role--are about how it was a bad thing. It took her away from her primary duties, as a warrior, to which she was sworn. Left the tribe undefended, etc.

>> > And, Glorantha being a bit more magical
>> > than Albania, are they capable of fathering
>> children?
>> If Nandans can have children, then Vingans can
>> father them too.
> Hmm... that wasn't quite how I'd seen Vinga's role.
> But yes, Vinga is the gateway. It just seems to me
> that she'd be the gateway to some other being who
> could father children, rather than having that role
> herself.

But Vingans generally don't have children, or retire if they do. Certainly exceptions exist, but they are EXCEPTIONS, not the rule. Kallyr is one of the EXCEPTIONS, and the pregnancy was with a god, and she gave birth in the god world so no one even knew about it.

>> > Do they see Vinga herself as being male?
>> Yes, of course.
> So what's the myth like where Vinga turns into a man?
> Or is she discovered to have been one all along?
> (Sounds like a bit of a cop-out to me).

There is not any such story about "turning into a man." All her stories ar about doing men's things and being accepted for it.

> Is this some as-yet-undocumented sub-cult? I'd guess
> that it starts getting closer to Orlanth All-Father
> than Adventurous...?

Nah. The same old subcults are just fine. The aspect of "being a man" is primary to her.

>> > What happens if both types meet? Etc....?! :)
>> They perform the standard Vingan greeting, etc.
> And then start a fight over what gender their
> god(-dess) is, I'd imagine. Vinga isn't from the Water
> tribe, after all.

Why in the world would they do that?
Do men fight over which aspect of Orlanth is more correct? And Vingans are quite clear about knowing what they are. They would have to be.

Greg Stafford

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c/o Greg Stafford
1942 Channing Ave, #204
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