Re: Nandandies Re: Real World Vingans

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_Wf4RxgdpC0VG_GBQKBI95Me8_etVvfqbAK4AH7xtfFjgYXXlrT9MFNo7SPDn3DEj>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 16:53:24 +1000

At 03:38 AM 4/04/2007, the mysterious Toread of House Caroman wrote:

>One of the things that has always struck me as a future problem when
>I was helping with Storm Tribe was that there was very little in the
>way for males to engage in crafting. Issaries, for example, really
>isn't about crafting - he's about the trading and travelling and
>However, among the women, there are plenty of cults involving
>weaving, cooking, pottery, and so forth.

While Gloranthan genres are extremely resilient and pliable (even stretching to *ninja* penguin keets, can you imagine such a thing,YGWV, YGMV, yadda yadda yadda) for me weaving is very much about (Heortling) womens' power.

The hearth is sacred, the hearthmistress rules all. Women and cook and weave, cook and weave. Its inside work. Its also generating one of the main forms of currency, and the sexual demarcation is the result of long generations of optimising work roles. None of this western neoliberal individualism lad, women work in the house and men are send outside. Weaving is good because you can talk and cook and plot and weave all the same time: womens stuff: herding (and ploughing) is good because you can goof off and go to sleep and sip beer and raid the neighbours or practice raiding the neighbours or be strong and silent: men's stuff. Weaving is so intimately associated with motherhood/aunthood/Grannie Weathertopping that most male children reject it as part of their individuation and growth.

And if a man was strong enough to resist the jeering of his clan brothers and the disapproval of his aunties, where would he do it. Day to day weaving is done by the hearth - not a good place for controversial crafting. Serious weaving is done in the loom house,but no man is welcome there, because, among other things its where the clan is run from: the first moot, the womens' moot. No mere male will ever be aloud to spy what goes on there.

So if you're determined to start weaving its a major heroquest from scratch, probably including a journey to that place where all Heortling failures go: to town.

Happy Woofing.

And... I... will.. not ...respond... to... N....I...N ...J.. A... silliness...

Coz penguin samurai keets rool, KO?



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