Re: Digest Number 491

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_m6e5NYCykZNltpkPgabARwsV9vcnKeGzclACQ8K3eaBvJRcNth3-diySL>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 11:57:27 +0000 (GMT)

Greg Stafford
>>In my clan, warriors who live to be so old that they can't do anything get to sit by the fire and tell tales. If they want to do just about

anything, let 'em.<<

One of the main examples we have in literature is of course Egil, who spends his old age sitting by the fire. Though it seems a sorry end for one who had lived such a life. The Vikings considered that death with a sword in hand was better than death in bed and maybe Egil's saga gives some truth to that.

But elders are no longer economically productive.  

Ian Cooper            

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