Re: Nandandies Re: Real World Vingans

From: donald_at_V31GqX_r4VLH5FQSXj8peuXj2qzvtC9ACuaEN66CEJaJf_tETX2Z9uxqK7X8z3CZFoavv
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 21:14:21 GMT

In message <> "Jeff Richard" writes:  

>> Under very exceptional circumstances, yes. They have
>> to be able to so as not to wreck games where it's
>> happened, just as Humakti can. But they certainly
>> won't want to, and their goddess will have means of
>> helping them prevent it.
>Vinga probably doesn't do anything of the sort. Some other goddess
>might. Vinga is the goddess of women who "do as men do" in war.
>She's not the goddess of birth control (that's probably Earth Witch,
>or Maran, or something like that).

Ernalda Allmother has the feat "Aid Contraception" as well as "Aid Conception". Ernaldans control their fertility, pregnancy is generally a choice not an accident. Sure there will be cases where a woman decides not to choose or fumbles the magic but reasonably reliable contraception is the only way you can have sexual activity before marriage without a horde of babies born out of wedlock. Vinga has every reason to keep that Ernaldan magic and use it carefully.

>> > Unless it is with a prescribed role (Yinkin, Heler, Eurmal,
>> > Nandan, etc), it is a bad idea because for a Vingan to have
>> > sex with a man because it angers Vinga (who got in big trouble
>> > when she did it)
>> ???
>There are three shorts myths on this subject that will be included in
>the Book of Heortling Mythology, available later this year.

And Orlanth never did anything he regretted?

I'm sure Vinga gets into big trouble by getting pregnant, and has to find a way of putting it right.

Donald Oddy


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