Re: Wolfbear of Dorastor

From: David Dunham <david_at_4RXlEpM4WtxvQ0OxAi5CRcICgxIJPLNLB-oZyrxwK8FpMTaGFUMwsHWsiWp1VDjKry83YR>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 17:14:15 -0700


>One less exciting answer is that the prophecized "Wolfbear" is
>symbolic of the rise of the Talastari tribes against the Empire (as
>Sartar really gets rekindled),

"Wolf" is often a kenning for outlaw. There is at least some bear worship in Anadikki. So clearly this is an Anadikking outlaw... What could be more exciting? (Well, to someone who is about to start an Anadikki game.) Especially since the Talastari are into sheep.

I had also wondered if it's some prehistoric creature, perhaps like an Amphicyonid.

So far as I know, this is an Ambiguous Reference (HeroQuest p.21), left for you to use as bests suits your game. Perhaps there's a Chaos monster AND an Anadikking outlaw in your game...


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:


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