Re: Wolfbear of Dorastor

From: John Hutchinson <jrhutch_94705_at_euiuKNMGM_EyYIeZ-pPCST9zJ4DEXT6nBmYSQk8K1Whuu6Hty9fvF_az5luN8h>
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 05:44:36 -0000

Thanks for the replies, Peter and David. Harrek does seem very wolfbearish but yeah that won't work so well now w/KoS.


> I had also wondered if it's some prehistoric creature, perhaps like
> an Amphicyonid.

Ahh someone else with paleo-knowledge, yes I thought the same. But 10m tall or something, and magical. IIRC aren't amphicyonids already in Prax (but rare); maybe DR:Prax?

> So far as I know, this is an Ambiguous Reference (HeroQuest p.21),
> left for you to use as bests suits your game. Perhaps there's a Chaos
> monster AND an Anadikking outlaw in your game...

Yeah I figured. I'm glad to have some ideas from you folks though, it's helpful.            

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