Re: Generally Accepted Glorantha (GAG) , Core Glorantha

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_QyN9j3FjDS-TLzb3cIcYiV1yvLoVNfjDgmge_9RjO6aaAsHQf1K2zuZNdBHFu>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 21:12:41 +0100 (BST)

I finally got copies of both, though the Prax one is in French. It took a lot of bidding and patience: over a year all told. Yes, they're on there, but the prices! And even now, it's a good job I can read French well enough to get by.

> RQII is pretty irrelevant, just about all the
> offical
> publications were redone for RQIII and most of those
> have been reprinted by Rick.

I'd agree. Rick's reprints count as "accessible", but only some are still the definitive works on a subject. The Cult Compendium, for instance, is not.

> >Should we add that "core Glorantha" should also be
> >readily accessible in terms of being readable? The
> >Unfinished Works, wonderful though they are, are
> hard
> >going. And they are Unfinished in any case.
> How readable is "readable"? KoS isn't exactly light
> reading.

Yes, I'm very hesitant about including it as "core" for that very reason. It's more readable than say GRoY, or the Lunar thing I can never spell or pronounce, but it's nothing like as clearcut as the HQ background books. Thing is, a lot of people *have* read it, and based their Gloranthas on it, because of the timing. It was almost all that was out there, for a very long time, and set in an area that people were already interested in. Also, a lot of the analysis has been done, and made publically available, which helps. Confused by the Tarshite king dates? A quick Google brings up Pete Metcalfe explaining it all. AFAIK, the same service has not been done for GRoY etc, and they're in areas that started off alien to most players, and aren't much better explored now.

> Men of the Sea, Dragon Pass Gazetteer, Orlanth is
> Dead and Gathering Thunder.

GT IIRC is scenarios rather than "this is how society works" background. Men of the Sea, yes, for the sea: I'm not adding it to the Sartarite area!

> There's also the other Unspoken World books - Uz,
> Sons of Kargzant and Thieves Arm.

As long as they've available, yes, certainly. Again, definitive.

> The biggest problem is when does a web site qualify
> for
> the Core List. Nick Brook's is a mixture to my mind
> there's stuff there that's authoritive while other
> bits are just silly.

Yes... tricky. Probably best to err on the side of too little as "core" and the rest in the more wooly "GaG". But the boundary will always be fuzzy. In fact, it's always more of a sliding scale. If your offering for use by the world clashes with fact X, how much will that make it un-usable by the general Gloranthan community? It'll never be an on/off switch, but some things are 95% useless and others are only 70% useless.

> I like the idea I'm just not sure it can be
> implemented.

Depends on what you mean by "implemented". Just getting the idea understood as a concept would be a start, and from some of the responses, I'm not sure we've managed that much.

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