Re: When do you become chaotic?

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_9iAHdEt5lJ1Et-9hILPL__l_v4N9pb7VHHck1W5aQOITF_uFIVXPxnW9_PeaGkWrMYj3xRVD>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 20:30:43 +0200 (CEST)

The question popped up whether a worshipper of Thed (or a similar deity) would be a chaotic, or at which point he would become so.

Under RQ rules the answer was pretty simple: as soon as the worshipper had sacrificed POW to a chaotic deity (or in case of the Red Goddess and consorts, to one of the chaotic aspects or spells), the chaos taint was there, and unremovable.

As soon as someone aquired a chaos feature, they also aquired a chaos taint.

Things are getting problematic where a cult (say Black Fang, or some obscure "Lanbril" sect) really may be a subcult or subcult-like associate of a chaotic cult (say Krarsht). And with Lunar worshippers without obvious chaotic or even illuminated connections (say Etyries).

I do agree with the sentiment that being chaotic is not a cultural construct but a magical scar in the world. However, cultural context may create scars in some environments which won't appear in others. In Heortling culture, Chaos looms close by, and is prone to seep through due to actions that more robust cultures wouldn't notice. Praxian culture, while defining itself to a great deal through Chaos, appears to be quite relaxed to propitiative worship or even deals with Chaos. (Actually I wonder what would become of Praxian society should Chaos in the Wastes be overcome for good - I think it would collapse worse than Heortling society in full kinstrife mode. A God Learner might even observe that the fervent anti-Chaos worship of Heortlings and Praxians feeds the strength of Chaos.)

Fonrit is an interesting borderline case for chaos. Some of the manifestations of the ruling deity (or deities) may well be listed in the Chaos Array with objective reason while others simply are bad. As are deities like Maran Gor (ritual cannibalism), Babeester Gor, Humakt (in some unrestricted forms), Zorak Zoran (in most forms) etc.            

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