re: Pedantic ragging on "Celtic"

From: David Dunham <david_at_gs5QlwfsusF-tsfFA5zOe4U7D5tgXVECKRnEsDPn4M3WmgRAheBF_S4Fw-d-h1WM83QE9r>
Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 10:36:09 -0700


>Just for the record, the term Celt is almost meaningless.

Of course. I guess I tend to picture "Orlanthi" in much the same way. IMG, there are some pretty substantial differences among the "Barbarian Belt" cultures. (I have the sense that in your Glorantha, the differences are somewhat lesser.)

A big difference would be that the Orlanthi have a more unified religion than the Celtic peoples.


>Of course Heortlings wear horned helmets. They're vikings!

I'm pretty sure nobody wore horned helmets in battle. But it was such a great image that in King of Dragon Pass, we had to do it any way for Uroxi.


David Dunham
Glorantha/HQ/RQ page:


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