Re: True Mostali, Mistress Troll and Dragonewt noble mastery levels

From: valkoharja <rintasaa_at_LCSHR9lkqzhxUSBIoBxm1D1e5GCL0dSmBmnP6v1PfgjQ97B6BvVDliRieQ-JgUSo7SM>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 12:00:10 -0000

This looks utterly brilliant to me. I'm sold.  

> > Of these the fourth stage would be the one that is an analogue to
> > true Mostali and Mistress trolls, I think. There are several, but
> > not many.
> That sounds a reasonable assumption.

Highter than I would have thought, but I guess it's ok if a Mistress Troll is the equivalent of a human Hero with a capital H.  

> Of course, with all these "primal leader" types they are unlikely to
> be encountered on their own, so rather like your Red Emperor
> question, what may be more relevant is not "What is the normal skill
> level of an average True Mostali/Uzuz/Noble 'newt", but "What is the
> typical skill such a being will typically be able to apply once
> their community support and augmentation from their retainers has
> been factored in"
> Another way of answering the question might be to compare them to
> other personalities and see where they fit on the continuum. I think
> it is fair to say none of them are equivalent to Harrek, so if he is
> represented by 10W4 we can discard that.

I think the Inhuman King should pretty much be the equivalent to Harrek in masteries. Superheroic sounds about right, as he is the head of the whole Dragonewt species. In a fight Harrek wins, because... well, Harrek's 10w4 is in "rending things like a berserk polarbear" whereas the Inhuman King's one is in something like "Draconewt Ruler". Heck, when the Inhuman King finally get's killed he can progress to full dragonhood... it's more like the ultimate success than failure.  

> I'd probably pitch them around Ralzakark's level - but that only
> raises another question - what would Ralzakark's stats look like in
> HeroQuest?

Indeed. Is he a Hero of a Superhero? In my game he's propably going to be of heroic level, he's just really well organized with a lot of resources to call on (well, for a broo anyway). I'll propably also have him embody Dorastor in a somewhat similar way as Belintar embodies the Holy Country.


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