RE: Re: Forests and wildlands in Heortland, Sartar, Tarsh

From: Andrew Solovay <asolovay_at_3gsATkOwBb-MC2RqCy32p_vRhgUciklYdudGX6kA0u89r2p3KcQ9KA7rw8X7HKgPz9n>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 15:07:36 -0700

Brian Curley
> Greg wrote:
> > One big difference is that the Aldryami go there and remember it,
> often
> > with fondness. They spend half their life there (when they sleep, at
> > night for the Yellow and Green Elves, or the winter, for the Brown.)
> By "there" do you mean The Green Age?

Glarking from context, I think by "there" he means "death". In Glorantha, plants die every winter (for deciduous plants) or every night (for evergreens), so death isn't as terrifying.

Another random speculation: I wonder if hibernating animals are also considered to "die"? This would make sense, given, e.g., Odayla's "sleep back to life" secret.            

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