A few thoughts still on chaos

From: valkoharja <rintasaa_at_NWAzOQ5_cLiXWQiBQrYnH03NbokSlKLJfXzsJ87biMM0L010YiF9M1MqJ35aFI8CiQ0>
Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2007 10:47:38 -0000

I've been thinking about the revelations Greg has shared here on the subject of chaos.

What about a scenario like this:

An odaylan devotee captures a magnificient stag, parhaps twice as large as a normal one, and eats it heart. The stag happened to be tainted with chaos, and as a result the hunter grows stag's horns from his forehead.

Now we know that a tainted individual will know about it, but the rest of his community doesn't automatically. What if the poor tainted hunter manages to convince people that the horns are a blessing from Odayla, and become a holy figure?

Does this happen? Does the odaylan's magic, and his relation to his deity continue to work normally? Is something horrible going to happen to the community for worshipping this tainted individual, thinking him a deciple of Odayla? And finally, what mechanisms, aside from the uroxi, protect communities (among the heortlings) from such things?


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