Re: Ho Much Rule fiddling Is Tolerable?

From: samclau_at_4k7CumjYNbinnrh9_krSgMrNrheop08ZpcST6L9H_x70NH-Ha_yJxbF6_AoNUFXH6x7n
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:27:35 -0300

> But this does leave me struggling to explain common magic feats. Who
> are we emulating and what is the source of the power? What,
> descrptively, separates a common magic feat from a talent?

The godling, daimon or landscape thingy which provides the magic. Or a hero who interacted with them at some point.

The descriptive separation would be that it isn't a big juju god like orlanth providing the magic.

That'd be my understanding.


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