Re: Ernalda Options

From: Neil Smith (Yahoo) <"Neil>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:55:49 +0100 (BST)

On Wed, July 18, 2007 7:01 am, John Hughes wrote:
> At 05:15 AM 9/07/2007, Ian wrote:
>>The Journey of the Female Hero
>>In Sex and Sorceror Ron Edwards espouses the theory that the female
>>mythic cycle is about fertility winning the right partner, becoming
>>pregnant, defending your offspring.
> To suggest that fertility, pregnancy and a concern with offspring are
> somehow essential to be being a *real* and *complete* woman... do I
> have to spell it out?

To be fair to Ron Edwards, when he introduces the concepts of 'male' and 'female' story, he takes quite a lot of time to explain how they're not constraining on particular gender roles. (The 'male' story, by the way, is all about balancing the conflicting demands of self, family, community, and world.) He explicitly states that many stories involving women follow the 'male' pattern and vice versa. He also states that many 'female' stories can be about achieving fulfilment through denying some or all of the marry/settle down/have kids progression. It's pointing out another way of looking at things.

And anyway, 'female' stories can have plenty of gung-ho action. Ron cites _Aliens_ as an exemplar 'female' story, as it's fundamentally about two mothers trying to give their respective children (adopted or not) the best start in life.


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