Re: Ho Much Rule fiddling Is Tolerable?

From: Ian <ilikemonkeys.geo_at_hLh4xearz8S5618PBtmvsgYxrt05i4TYuGVE_fgfMGYW0hdm1GwiL-EYb00>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 21:40:18 -0000

Let's say the entire Hero Band is working on building a ship. There's two ways of doing this as an extended contest - the entire group gangs up on the single opponent (the ship) and probably whomps seven kinds of hell out of it because of the vast disparity in APs between four or five heroes and one middling-difficulty ship, OR, you break the ship up into multiple opponents for each individual ship builder to take part in, which can create the odd situation of winning the battle, but losing the war when the HeroBand defeats the grouped opposition "winning" the conflict, which implies the boat was built successfully, but one of the group was defeated by the ship's hull, meaning you have a successfully built boat with big whoppin' holes in the hull making it *unsuccessful* as a boat.

This *may* be misreading the extended conflict rules, of course. I'll admit I'm not quite a rules guru yet. And speaking of rules, why the *heck* hasn't this thread been taken over to the HQ Rules list?            

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