Re: How rare is it to know the secret of a god?

From: samclau_at_2XkQaVVMtcR9tqWzRkssIwr1tGO0XaH3U3A9hdjdkliz-b9ytp4rkBfhy_5XrzEriA4l
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 16:20:25 -0300

         [SPOILER ALERT]

>>  ttrotsky2 / Olli Kantola / Greg:
>>   > The wizardly folk seem to have no secrets to speak of.
>>  This always struck me as rather odd.
> There is a simple reason why: there is only one God, and only one Secret.

which is...

Arkat was a lady and was Malkion's lover.


p.s. Watch out for those albinos, now.

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