Re: Odaylans amongst the Orlanthi

From: donald_at_7OabZq_d1FEHykNEsJj20eXc7NJEzqFyQ2fOFKuCwWeInIdct0RZL5U399WXp_27H_VTa
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 18:49:02 GMT

In message <> Kenrae writes:
>Hi everybody,
>In the current campaign I'm narrating, there is an odaylan hunter in
>the group (it's an orlanthi clan saga near in the Lismelder tribe,
>losely based on the Greydog campaign).
>Things are going quite well, but there is something I'm having some
>difficulties with. I lack some references on how to portray an
>odaylan, their place in orlanthi society (or lack of it), and how
>others see them.
>I know they're somewhat outside of society, but not as much as a
>humakti. It's where to put the bar where I fail. Its difficult for me
>to find ideas on how other people trate them, namely:
>- The prototypical orlanthi.

In the strongly social Heortling society the Odalyan is the uncle you invite to your wedding who might turn up or might not depending on his mood. If he does turn up it will be to hang round the edge of the gathering speaking only to give brief responses to direct questions before finding an excuse to leave. The difference from Humakti is that Odalyan are still kin - their disputes are your disputes and your disputes are their's. He'll probably grumble about being dragged into your stupid quarrels which wouldn't have happened if you didn't live in each other's pockets.

>- The prototypical ernalda worshipper, and difficulties finding a
>partner or a wife. Even whether odaylans usually marry.

Every Heortling marries. There are women who follow Odalya and probably make the most suitable wives. Otherwise Ernalda adapts to her situation and some women will accept a husband who only makes an appearance a few times a year. It's no worse than a marriage to a merchant seaman today. I don't think an Orlanthi man could cope with an Odalyan wife.

>- How other hunters see them.

A bit more understanding than the average Orlanthi but still find it strange that they aren't comfortable with their relatives.

>- How a humakti would see them too, and how they react to each other.
>The way I see it, odaylans are more acceptable of Death as part of the
>cycle of life than the usual orlanthi, so maybe they don't shun a
>humakti as much as others do.

I don't see hunters as being any closer to death than farmers. Odalyans may not shun Humakti any more than they shun everyone. Nor do I think Humakti treat hunters differently whether Odaylans or not.

Donald Oddy


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