Re:2nd Age Languages-Tradetalk

From: donald_at_Q6aDrGr0ZfUWGhuwmBO3uhsmUOjrBw3tPi5PDTKPt6qNQiapWGYqXZmSbkGmpzt9IJqMf
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 00:42:17 GMT

In message <> Felix Felix writes:

>I always thought that it would be good to make a few simple rules for
>players when they interacted using tradetalk to underline its limitations,
>and encourage the players to learn/use other languages, like only usings
>words without the letter 'e' in them, or no sentences with more than 6
>words, something like that.
>Any ideas for a couple of simple rules to give a 'tradetalk' feel and
>to limit it a little in play?

The six word maximum for sentences seems fine but the other rule I'd make is - mostly one or two syllable words and none more than three. It's a pidgin language designed for trade and negotiation although it's also supposed to be the magical language of Issaries traders. My guess is there's an extended vocabulary which isn't part of the commonly taught language.

Donald Oddy


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