Re: Godworld intruding

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_9bDIeoWJDD9u3oiZihBNx9H0oE9VuVsNC2P-Wi3jm1fvDm6oVxKwizGkkmdxtDgGiOf4>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 08:53:01 -0000

> > No mortal can live with gods.
> [...]
> > At certain times the two worlds come closer together, threatening to
> > merge as they were before Time began. Such events are usually bad,
> > because people are often drawn into that world, or demons loosed
> > into this one.
> Take note: this explains why events like the Sunstop, the Battle of
> Castle Blue, the Siege of Clanking City etc. are bad. It is not
> because of Chaos, it is because of an overabundance of myth.

A very good observation! It is extremely dangerous to bring the two worlds together, to merge them as they were before Time began. People get trapped into the Otherworld or otherworldly creatures get released into our world.

> Chaos is bad, anyway, but it is not to blame for most of the
> cataclysms. It may become a symptom (at the end of the Dawn Age),
> although I note that several of the chaotic effects in and around
> Dorastor were caused by non-chaotics like Talor (or ex-chaotics like
> Arkat).

Chaos is also very very dangerous. And there is more going on in Dorastor, I suspect, than meets the eye.


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