A few random EWF ideas (also Dwarf Fortress)

From: valkoharja <rintasaa_at_4mp99a_Tv2AB0cJMm_0JwkUzsfSL7-g4zCx7CAL9PfWNl22u9JXc8ftpkV7pgb3GJh0>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:13:05 -0000

I've been reading about obsidian and jade

>From my own campaign, where EWF remnants are an important theme:

I've always pictured the EWF emulating the dragonewts and falling back to using bone, wood and stone in preference to bronze and iron. Spiritual and magical things were more important to the EWF than temporal. Gold, Silver and even Iron would have been used when their runic significanse was appropriate. Bronze, being a mixing of runic metals was just too mundane.

Funnily enough obsidian and Jade are actually pretty impressive materials, and Jade has been associated with dragons in many eastern cultures. For instance, in my take of Pavis, a local item of currency (or more appropriately, a treasure) are square's of Jade, that have been carved with pictures that help one understand draconic mysteries.

In a later era there are used by the pavis survivors as currency, without understanding their deeper purpose.

As magic items there have been Jade arrowheads, and a fist sized ball of enchanted gold. The heavy gold sphere is a meditative aid for getting in touch with one's inner fire (or the sundragon). As one meditates on the golden sphere it will start to glow with golden light and hover in the air. The more powerful the user's inner fire is (fire affinities, fire-spells, draconic mysticism related to fire) the brighter the glow and the higher the ball hovers.

Another item that has been seen is a simple woolen shoulder cloak, that has somehow resisted the wear of centuries. It's decorated with a repeating EWF symbol with some variation, and looks like something a tibetan herdsman could well be wearing. It's actually a meditative aid, as one can read the endless EWF Ouroboros poem from it while seeking one's own inner dragon.

Such things are interesting items for the players to discover, and to try to fathom their meaning. At least my players have liked them. Of course the dragonbone darts were also a big hit, but they are parhaps too easily understood, as they are just weapons.


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