Re: Hazia

From: Felix Felix <felixtimestwo_at_1PTAJIp_usUTKi23OkuhnGipIKMogypCPTZClVwGFtW6iWx9UUOgW_rviwnYAB>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 16:01:17 +0000 (GMT)

Is there a terrestrial analogue of Hazia? I always presumed it was like opium (because its addictive, intoxicating and smoked), but it sometimes seems to be used a little more like (modern day) grass.

I've never heard about it being a 'mind-expanding' head drug (ie hallucinatory) which might have mystical significance-although I suppose that both beer and wine have a limited mystical significance to various Gloranthan cultures..

Also-its illegal-any ideas why that is? There are usually socio-economic/cultural reasons for making certain recreational drugs illegal (ie marijuana being the recreational drug of unpopular immigrant Mexicans in the 1930s leading to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, and the anti Chinese Opium Den Ordinance of 1875 in San Francisco). Who was/are the unpopular underdogs who were using or even imported Hazia to Prax/Sun county? Are the lunars the only ones to deem it illegal?

I've not addressed any of these questions in my games, but will probably have to soon, so any thoughts are gratefully received...


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