Re: Do Ducks have cavalry?

From: Jerome Blondel <jeromeblondel_at_eiRm3YC-nP_oEirHVdi5uBw6XlJ8phPcVKnJZiSAcMnxRTF8rED9fi0_qPeyis>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:37:11 +0100

John Galloway :
>> On Dec 9, 2007 6:25 PM, <donald_at_...> wrote:
>>> How about giant swans? I can just imagine a flotilla of duck lancers
>>> paddling down the Oslir river. Of course they'd be pretty ridiculous
>>> on dry land so no change there then....
>> Swans (and geese!) make good guard animals, except for them crapping
>> all over the place. They're territorial, and willing to attack much
>> larger animals, and make all sorts of noise when strangers intrude on
>> their territory.
>> Duck marines, though, might make use of giant birds to extend their
>> range and increase their mobility. Or maybe airborne duck rangers...
>> Hippos tend to be pretty territorial, too. Nasty.
> OMG! I can't believe no one's suggested this before now, but surely it
> *has* to be Ducks on...
> Ducks!
> (Well actually giant pre-historic killer ducks with serrated beaks and
> a mean-streak a mile wide.)

What about trachodons?            

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