Re: Runic associations: Humakt, Vinga, Nandan and fertility

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_GHDX2sPVk4scbJtSfH8vHTeC8qMaaSyc50WzUMpR5ze388j_BMoAtNJ5e6-F8lrOJ3Sq0h4>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:49:31 -0800

YGWV, of course.

I will share my opinions.

> ileskela wrote:

 > A question or five...

I've changed the order of your questions because it is the most important.

> Is there a difference between initiates and devotees of these cults?

Yes, always. An initiate has learned secrets and found his intimate relationship with a deity. A devotee has realized she is /part of/ a deity, and thus has stronger powers, but is also more constrained. This is true of all theist worship.

> I'm trying to figure out the degree runic associations (Death, Earth
> and Air/Storm) effect individuals. I've understood Nandans cannot bear
> a child, and that Vingans cannot father a child. If I'm right, the
> runic associations actually cannot change biological/mythical sex. Am
> I right?

Correct. Although (as always) HeroQuesting can change biology and create miracles.

   > Can Humakti father/mother a child, or is their fertility power dead?

For me, Humakti devotees do not father or bear children. Initiates may be able to, although of course those who truly understand that their cosmic function is to take away life would not do so.

> Can Nandans father a child, or are they essentially women without wombs?

Yes, certainly they could father children, if they were so inclined. A male who preferred to do traditional "women's work," such as a professional basket weaver, could worship Nandan, for instance. But they a not associated with Death, which is the real factor that interferes with life.

> Can Vingans mother a child, or are they essentially men without semen?

Yes, they can. They are still women, although dedicated to non-traditional work. In many places it is discouraged since pregnancy interfere with carrying out warrior's duties. But, for instance, one of Heort's ancestors is a Vingan.

FINALLY, there are always exceptions to all those. But they are just that: exceptional.


    Greg Stafford
    President, Issaries. Inc.

Love without reserve, 
Enjoy without restraint, 
Live without dead time.


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