Re: Good Tricksters, Hare?

From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_PEhv3gOzSMK1RqkoKHxk_nCNBiU8JrDfcvB6JJP46aaMzEFFDRu1yh2pSKvwYducVScfENg>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 13:52:03 -0800

parental_unit_2 wrote:
> > Are there any trickster gods in Genertela that are good, on balance?

> > Is the Hare god of Pelanda one of them?


All of them more than occasionally do good things (figure 25% good things, 25% evil things, 25% meaningless things, and 25% stupid things, about half of which hurt him).
But the nature of a true mythic trickster is moral ambivalence, ambiguity and/or ignorance.
> No.

Note that there are entities who do tricky things (Orlanth stealing the shoes of darkness, etc>) but they are not in any way Tricksters.

OH, BTW, in any local setting people very well may all say and believe, "Oh, that Pelandan Hare god--he's a good one." But it it ain't really so.

    Greg Stafford
    President, Issaries. Inc.

Love without reserve, 
Enjoy without restraint, 
Live without dead time.


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