Re: Good Tricksters, Hare?

From: John Machin <orichalka_at_Kn1v7-E_hcYMCoQ59z1qQPz4naGy795E8vPWDd3b6fqS_H2yvD_LXljUfO2pETW5UY>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:09:46 +1100

On 16/01/2008, Dan Guillou <> wrote:
> Hermes. My weakest case. Not a fullfledged trickster, but rather many
> functions, perhaps originally many deities, amalgated into one divine
> being with strong trickster aspects. God of merchants, thieves and
> gamblers. Also god of clever lies and wild stories. Started out by
> stealing Appollos cattle and inventing the lyre, while still a baby.
> Adopted (or actually recognized as an official Zeus bastard) tamed,
> incorporated into the pantheon, gainfully employed as divine messenger,
> and psychopomp. Some of the stuff that tricksters ordinarily do turn up
> with other greek beings, like Athene (inventing technology, lie really
> well) Anyway, I'd say ... 60/20/10/10? Just guessing on the
> meaningless/stupid things, really.

If Hermes is a capital-T Trickster, what does this say about Issaries?

John Machin
"Nothing is more beautiful than to know the All."
- Athanasius Kircher, 'The Great Art of Knowledge'.


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