Re: Cults of Sylila ?(B

From: $B3]@nCi><(B <tadaaki.kakegawa_at_t08o-AlB0Bgn9RLWgp48nojuVFQFY_A5PqjaRxufDoeCMIJSK4Tr3mzq4_r>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:37:22 +0900


On Jan 19, 2008 8:08 PM, Peter Metcalfe <> wrote:
> At 11:37 p.m. 19/01/2008, you wrote:
> muster. Orlanth's worship is actively suppressed in
> Sartar but that is the result of a magical plan and so
> I'll guess that the persecution of Orlanth is at its
> most vigorous there.

Hum... I think Red Goddess$B!!(Bhas opposition to Orlanth from mystical reasons. (cf. Lunar citizen keyword has "Hate Storm Pantheon") I imagine Orlanthi worship is syncretised into Odayla(Adventurous) and Doburdun (Thunderous) worship. What is Allfather aspect syncretised into I have no idea.

On Jan 21, 2008 7:57 PM, Jeff Richard <> wrote:
> The Syliling Hills is going to be Odalying and not Pelorian. Lunar
> cults are popular with the ambitious and the noble, but many still
> worship Odayla, Ernalda (whatever she is called by the Odaylings) and
> even the Lightbringers.

Then I would go with Syliling Hills.
BTW, There is Yelmalion Temple in this region (seeing Lunar Map), is this Yelmalio as same as Yelmalio in Dragon Pass? Or is it Daysanerus or other sun god?


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