Re: [HeroQuest-RPG] Re: Travel Narratives in Glorantha

From: John Hughes <john.hughes_at_QscehqBW_tzezOKfRa5JxgQCc5tOEGn0wBBV9gxWEJ3G2gVndjJCwLSPWJ1NYkHn>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 16:38:27 +1100

Thanks mods - understood and no worries.

I'll continue exploring some of these issues on my Live Journal - probably a better format for this sort of stuff anyway - and will drop a quick note when my post is up for those of you who find these ruminations interesting.

If you'd like to continue discussions in a list format, there's always ImmoderateGloranthaQuest

Post message: Subscribe:

Though be warned, its not for the faint-hearted. :)



John Hughes
Publications Editor
Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research College of Arts and Social Sciences
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