Re: Mysticism and Dream Magic

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_b6715Zy35ov5-Ieb5nwrF_Y7nm2fEswuQUlNi33rVISrrSXGJ7LpG-uhOJKdlIgqqgf>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:28:12 +1300

More on "mysticism"

Fallen Mystics

The best way to handle fallen mystics would be to have the hero study an philosophy like the Secrets of the Hook and the Claw. The hero will gain no magic or power from this ability until he decides to use it. Then he gets all the power from that ability but his soul is destroyed (all mystical awareness vanishes) _and_ he can no longer improve that ability or acquire any other mystical ability (like say Worship Vith).

In theory any mystical insight could be abused this way
(such as the teachings of Nenduren). However because
most wannabe fallen mystics simply do not have the patience to behave in order to study wisdom from some kind naive sage, they have set up twisted monasteries of their own so they can quite happily indulge in their evil nature while studying for fallenhood.


The higher purpose of Kralori religion is becoming a Dragon. The Kralori are aware of the mystical path but seek its fruits by becoming a dragon rather than studying the mystical path directly. They seek to acquire the ability to fly into the Void in which the ultimate is to be found.

I think that Kralori who seek the Draconic path will have a Dragon soul ability similar to the Seventh Soul of the Lunars described in ILH-2. They must struggle against the temptations of the world with gross lapses causing a portion of their draconic nature (ie eye, wings, scale, tail etc) has become revealed and fixed.

Once a draconic portion has become revealed, it can be manifested without trouble but can no longer be improved. The Draconists do not like to show off their manifest portions too much for fear that gratuitous usage will cause other portions to reveal themselves and set.

If a draconist has completely revealed his draconic nature before acquiring the knowledge of how to enter the void then he has become entangled in the world of matter and is to be pitied. Many draconists prefer to commit utuma to free themselves rather than suffer such a fate.

Dragon magic as the Kralori practice it is not the innate magic of their own draconic souls but learned magic from the elder dragons acquired through contemplation of their own draconic natures. Supposedly this is safe to practice but aeons of daring short-cuts have lead to the development of several paths of draconic magic that promise much but can lead to entrapment of the draconic soul within the world.

Vithelan religion

Revealed Mythologies describes the Gods and High Gods as being worshipped and sacrificed to. At the same time, it describes sacrifice and worship as one of the low magics.

Rather than have the Vithelan deities as conventional theistic deities, it think it wiser to interpret sacrifice and worship as analogous actions rather than actual theistic actions. Given the monk's interpretation of the Gods War as a series of mental states, I have decided to depict Vithelan magic likewise.

Hence each Vithelan deity (Parloth and Avanparloth) has a set of virtues and selected area of interest (RM p53-54). Worshippers through emulating their deity gain an augment based on their virtue ability upon certain actions. Hence worshippers of Karki have their strength augmented so long as they follow Karki's virtues.

"Sacrifices" are intense mental states brought about by a single-minded focus on a particular virtue. In HQ terms, it is as though the virtue has become a released fetish. For example a follower of Karki can focus on a single virtue to give him a combat bonus.

The Parloth can also be worshipped for low magics through the intercession of the Sheredpara (priests, sorcerers and shamans). In this way, they provide feats, spells and charms. Worshipping a Parloth in the low manner is incompatible with the virtuous worship of the Parloth - it clouds the senses and makes the mental states impossible to attain. The Avanparloth do not provide any magic if worshipped in the low manner - that's how everybody knows they are High Gods rather than just Gods.

Dream Magic

In my opinion dream magic is common magic
(although Merasedenya's magic is lunar magic) and
thus the action of using dreams to effect reality should be spiritually neutral (or spiritually indulgent from the Vithelan point of view).

That bad things have happened through the use of dreams to effect reality is, I suppose, connected to the fact that in Vithela, Avanpdur's remains lie in the dream world and hence manifesting dreams also manifests Avanapdur and leads to some calamity or another.

--Peter Metcalfe            

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