Continuum 2008 news 8th March 2008.

From: continuum2008 <Continuum2008_at_1AoCYMulWNXpesdTPdogtY1cf93CS1vEZP4Q3Wab5Mwi9m2_3WRqiqxQOTAnH8>
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:01:25 -0000


The attendees list for Continuum 2008 is now updated over at If you've signed-up, please check that you appear on the list (and I know one of you appears twice!). If you're not there, and should be, please email me ASAP at  

Other news...  

Early Bird registration ends on March 31st - so to take advantage of the discounted members' price, get your registration in as soon as you can.  

Liber Newtus - the con fundraiser for this year is the 'Liber Newtus'. Newt Newport, a great friend of the con and known to many of you, has given us permission to collect together and publish all his MOLAD scenarios for HeroQuest in a single, bumper volume. All the proceeds of the sale of this book go to Continuum, and we'd like to say a big Thank You to Newt for his generosity.  

Gary Gygax Memorial Game - In Gary's memory Continuum will be hosting a special AD&D In Memorium game. It'll be a fun dungeon bash, and we feel honoured to be able to recognise the work of the man who kick-started the whole hobby Continuum represents. More news on this as it develops.  

Timetable - The Committee is busy getting a draft of the timetable together for publication very soon. Lots of great events, seminars and, of course, games to enjoy.  

Tentacles - Our sister convention, Tentacles, wishes to remind everybody that the Greatest Convention Held In a Castle Overlooking the Rhine (TM) will be held 9th - 12th May 2008. At the risk of boring you all, Tentacles really IS a superb convention, and we urge you all to try to get there. Details can be found at: Great people, great guests, great venue, great beer, and some pretty great games.  

All from me. Have a great weekend!              

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