It's a Scandinavian film, and hasn't been released internationally yet in any form.
"The film will go on general release in Sweden on Christmas Day [2007], but it will be some time before audiences outside the Nordic Region will get a chance to see it. The international version will be a combination of the current film and the sequel, and will not be released before the sequel opens in Scandinavia in late 2008."
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 3:57 PM, valkoharja <rintasaa_at_h6FEZnzIeNHouaIj_TN5Vz0tiKPmPBxO2gG7eNzXHFArNcoSuelpxpkyIi1wEErFiht7WAwyBTM5kOA.yahoo.invalid> wrote:
> Guys, you'll want to see this movie!
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arn_%E2%80%93_The_Knight_Templar
> It's sort of like what Kingdom of Heaven could have been if it wasn't
> so cought in the Hollywood mold.
> It's also a great Glorantha movie, and a must for anybody who want's
> to see what post-viking Scandinavia was like. Lovely international
> dialogue. Most of the movie is in english, but there is a lot of
> swedish, french and latin. It all feels very real.
> As a bonus for us gloranthanites, the main character is a very nice
> Hero for a game in the western part of Glorantha. He's not just a hero
> because he's an über knight (though he is that too, in a rather
> believable fashion), but rather because his morals and firm beliefs
> really make him stand out.
> What more can I say. I really liked this movie. Four stars, and my
> intelligense wasn't insulted at any point. How rare is that?
> -Adept
-- "Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Therefore: Knowledge corrupts."
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