Re: Gnosticism in Glorantha

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_YA_1neaVg9M-A0Ne4i5CNw0FKvSUiTUlsRTMwOeS7zdtclAKastCQaNCM-CJcrIEFGlV>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:54:08 -0000

> Well, she's going for the whole people are divine beings trapped in an
> illusionary prison. Through proper introspection, you can overcome
> this, and release your true divinity. Anything close to that, or am I
> on my own?

As Trotsky pointed out, this is common to many mystical belief systems - and with a few tweaks it was the belief of several EWF mystical school.

With a few more tweaks this can even be a Lunar mystical sect....


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