April's nearly upon us... which means...
If you want to book for Continuum, do so before Tuesday as the price increases from 1st April. At the moment the prices are:
Registration for Residential Members: £20 (£35 from 1st April) 3-Night room (Fri, Sat, Sun) booking: £105 Single Night room booking: £40 per night
All rooms are extremely comfortable and en-suite. Each room has bed linen and towels, plus telephone and internet access. The rooms are grouped into flats of 6 rooms, with a large, airy, well equipped kitchen - great for impromptu gaming.
If you intend to come along just on a Day Pass, these cost £18 each per day and can be bought on the day or in advance.
What else can Continuum offer?
Superb range of games. We'll have the preliminary timetable up soon.
Great bar with Real Ales
Seminars and guest presentations: Glorantha, HeroQuest, RuneQuest and BRP
Pub Quiz and Ice Breaker events to get everyone into the con spirit
In other news...
Yes, its been very bare recently, but that will be changing rapidly. Games Maestro Graham
'That's a Play on Words' Spearing has put together the first list of tabletop games we'll be
hosting and the PDF should be on the website in the next 24 hours.
Liber Newtus
Newt Newport has kindly donated all his esteemed MOLAD scenarios for publication in a
single, mighty tome which will form one this year's fund-raisers. This will be the much
vaunted Continuum Con Book this year, and our thanks (heartfelt) are extended to Newt
for his generosity.
We have Greg, Sandy, Jeff, Angus, Rick and Mark so far. Others to be announced in due
course. The intention, naturally, is to chain Greg to a table and make him talk and run
games; Sandy becomes Evil High Priest and will be hosting an evening of Horror Films
from his Vault of Gore-Filled Doom; Jeff will be chewing scenery and hosting the
Glorantha Panel; Angus will also be running some games and generally being the affable
Gaming God we know him to be.
Cities of Dara Happa
Jeff Richard and Greg are putting together the 'Cities of Dara Happa' book, filled with
Second and Third age DH goodness, making it the ideal companion to 'Dara Happa Stirs'.
Yep, there'll be one. So scour your shelves and attics and bring forth the gaming goodies
you want to sell. We'll be issuing auction sheets and tickets shortly.
Wild and Wacky Events
Robo-racing... Ice Breaker... Pub Quiz... more details to follow as these extravaganzas
So, with only 4 months to go, Continuum's pace is picking up. We've over 110 delegates so far, and look forward to seeing many more as the con looms. Pray to Yelm for a fine August sun; pray to Orlanth to keep the storms at bay. Pray to the Celestial Dragon for mystic insight to make this the best Continuum yet, and pray to Malkion for wisdom and divine gaming...
Have a good weekend.
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