Man,I cannot believe my incompetence today!!! Here is the corrected
"After the priestesses of Ezel recognized him the Living God and
offered sacrifices, Belintar proceeded down the Sacred Road. There he
was hailed as King of the Living by the living and the dead alike. In
Nochet, he took the accoutrements of Kimantor after offering gifts to
his defeated rival and acclaimed as the Immortal Protector of the City."
> Oops ... I sent this from an old draft. Here's the first paragraph as
> it will appear in 10K Goddesses:
> "After the priestesses of Ezek recognized him the Living God and
> offered sacrifices, Belintar proceeded down the Sacred Road. There he
> was hailed as King of the Living by the living and the dead alike. In
> Nochet, he took the accoutrements of Kimantor after offering gifts to
> his defeated rival and acclaimed as the Immortal Protector of the City."
> > Here's a tiny sidebar blurb from Land of 10,000 Goddesses, just to
> > whet your appetite:
> >
> > Pedestal
> > About ten miles south of Nochet is the town of Pedestal, named after
> > Belintar's Pedestal - the great magical pillar that dominates the
> > skyline. It is a large settlement, with a grand temple to Belintar and
> > buildings for his many servants and officers in Esrolia. Here is where
> > the Uniting Bridge sets itself when the Pharaoh is going to visit
> > Esrolia, or a person of importance is summoned to the City of Wonders.
> >
> > Belintar Raises the Pedestal
> > After being the priestesses of Ezel recognized him as the Living God
> > and offered him sacrifices, Belintar proceeded down the Sacred Road,
> > where he was hailed as King of the Living by the living and the dead
> > alike. In Nochet, he took the accoutrements of Kimantor after offering
> > gifts to his defeated rival and was hailed as the Immortal Protector
> > of the City.
> >
> > Belintar left Nochet and traveled south until he got to a rocky cliff
> > that overlooked the Mirrorsea. He said, "here I shall ascend to my
> > city." A great six-sided column of stone grew underneath him and
> > lifted Belintar up. The column was topped with a six-headed capital,
> > symbolizing the Sixths of Kethaela, the Six Elements, the Six Forms
> > and the Six Beasts.
> >
> > Belintar spoke again, although none could understand his words. From
> > the center of the Mirrorsea, a rainbow extended to the column and then
> > to the amazement of all, slowly descended to earth. As the rainbow
> > descended, it took material form, becoming an ornately decorated stone
> > bridge with a thousand arches and with one end at the base of the
> > column. He gently glided down from the top of the column and walked on
> > the now-solid bridge towards the center of the Mirrorsea.
> >