Re: A small section from Land of 10,000 Goddesses

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_Q19WQgppbwsnW-aXgyeZOHgkIuezzyLx3FGRh1oMG46H-oYHXS_8qxCs6rBuNqRifRK4>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 13:59:49 -0000

Man,I cannot believe my incompetence today!!! Here is the corrected paragraph:

"After the priestesses of Ezel recognized him the Living God and offered sacrifices, Belintar proceeded down the Sacred Road. There he was hailed as King of the Living by the living and the dead alike. In Nochet, he took the accoutrements of Kimantor after offering gifts to his defeated rival and acclaimed as the Immortal Protector of the City."

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