Foreign Magic - flavour and crunch

From: Stephen McGinness <stephenmcg_at_On5uuOJYd9I-SM7ZmUacl0FTHYIFffU04TDpGSkihK-A9-NH3Ei4bYqzf21KiSbIs>
Date: Sat, 03 May 2008 09:45:43 +0100

OK. As I said, I am beginning a game with my group in Glorantha. I am aiming at using a fusion of the things I like in RQII and HQ - it is beginning to take shape in my head, if not exactly on paper in any organised form.

I was thinking that the crunch of RQII should be able to highlight the differences between the magic systems more readily and have much of that in hand.

What I haven't yet decided is how the magic affects foreign magic when they are opposed. For example - I was thinking that animist defensive magic (such as countermagic) should work doubly effectively against theist or sorcerous magic. And dispels or detects be half as effective against foreign based magic. This is why there are specialist cults, schools and spirits for defeating these foreigners magic.

I was thinking that Lunar magic would be effective against everyone - one of the advantages of the new style of magic.

I was hoping for opinion - does it feel Gloranthan? Am I missing something obvious?


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