Rory gives us a good bibliography, but misses the publications AFTER "The Complete Griselda":
"Legacy of Pavis - The Pavis and Big Rubble Companion Vol. III" has some stuff on Griselda (pp. 38-41).
"Shadows of Pavis - The Pavis and Big Rubble Companion Vol. IV" included "Meet The Parents" a new Griselda story, not published in the book.
Tradetalk # 15 includes "A Day at the Races" an even newer story.
There is one "story" unpublished so far "The Lady of Alone", but i am sure that will find a home too.
André Jarosch
Editor of Tradetalk
> Sounds like Griselda, written by the incorrigible Oliver Dickinson.
> Moon published The Collected Griselda in '93, Issaries published the
> Complete Griselda in '01.
> I'm not sure of the status of either volume at this point, I'm sure Rick
> say.
> Complete Griselda lists the following Bibliography:
> Lucky Eddi - White Dwarf ("WD") 29
> Griselda Gets Her Man - WD 30
> A Tasty Morsel - WD 41
> Shamus Gets a Case - WD 42
> Hanufa's Little Sister - WD 43
> The Great Chart Caper - Pavis boxed set (or I assume in the Pavis & Big
> Rubble reprint from Moon Design)
> All in the Family - WD 51
> Down Among the Dead Men - Different Worlds ("DW") 43
> Bad Example - DW 44
> Good Advice - DW 45
> Holding the Baby - Green Slime 1, Tales of the reaching Moon ("TotRM") 4
> Wolfhead's Story - TotRM 2
> Serious Money - TotRM 3
> This Love Business - TotRM 5
> Carving Up Carver - TotRM 6
> The Hero Bit - TotRM 7, Gloranthan Visions
> Devil's Play - TotRM 8
> Worlds Apart - Convulsion Program(me) Book 1992
> Griselda Song 1 - Convulsion Program(me) Book 1992
> Red Hot - TotRM 9
> ++All of the above are in Collected Griselda++
> ++The items above *and* below are in Complete Griselda++
> The Matchmaker - Peoples of Pavis
> First Class Protection - Peoples of Pavis
> Points of View - Tradetalk 8
> Griselda the Hero?? - Complete Griselda ("CG")
> The Trouble with Nephews - CG
> Interfereing Uncles have Their Uses (By Michael O'Brien) - CG
> Different Shades of Red - CG
> Respect - CG
> The Cradlesnatchers - CG
> Griselda: A Brief Biography - CG
> A Griselda Songbook - CG
> Griselda: a Brief Bibliography - CG
> Oliver Dickinson: A Brief Bibliography - CG
> Finally, she (and Wolfhead, and members of the gang) appears statted up in
> Wolfhead's Lair, in the Big Rubble boxed set.
> Hope that helps.
> great, thanks, now I feel a need to reacquaint myself with the gang...
> RR
> He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad
> R. Sabatini, Scaramouche
> : Really old stuff...
> > Hey everybody! Back in the olden days of the original White Dwarf
> > magazine, there was a female fiction character used in Runequest
> > examples and short stories. She was supposed to be insanely dangerous,
> > able to overcome any opponent, and constantly hunted by merc/bounty
> > hunters. Does anyone know the character name and specific magazine
> > issues she was in?
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