- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, "Mark Galeotti"
<markgaleotti_at_...> wrote:
> --- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, "John Machin"
> <orichalka_at_> wrote:
> > I'd encourage the 'two pronged' approach that some favour. I don't
> > think it needs to be broken into separate volumes however.
> > Cheat-sheets, summaries, and more stuff like "What My X Tells Me"
> make
> > good ways of getting useful, relevant, context across to people with
> > less Gloranthaphilic inclinations.
> Spot on, IMO
I think we are pretty much converging on the same idea then as this is
where I think we are headed with an onion skin approach. I guess the
only point of dispute would be whether at some point we push deeper
layers into a separate work. However, I expect that may be moot,
because in a lot of cases the deeper work tends to precede as Greg
etc. may well have put it together for deep background for those
authors. In that case there may be an existing volume.