I can remember 'Hurdy-Gurdy Man' (Donovan), but this one - nope, it's utterly new to me! Any good?
- On Tue, 7/22/08, Sam Elliot <SamLElliot_at_9sQrfUClmDRLd2Iru8uOUSGV-Rm38Kbzcywi4W18_jFUmk5726Y_e7SSGCyu_xE7mwcqOa6vJbExKPD3uA.yahoo.invalid> wrote:
On Tuesday 22 July 2008 12:55:23 Sam Elliot wrote:
Does "Hyrdy Gyrdy Mushroom Man" not ring any bells? Or is that too British a reference?
<neil.yahoo_at_UjRF2_ZebZTNa48gkZ7wVZFwyZ75-tZIzmGc1A1qh4t4lJ5SPYhQN3yxEGh7ZbQjV34c6OhxvdEMnhT9cA.yahoo.invalid> wrote: Neil:
...has locked me in a frying pan,
And all the fishes swim away,
And say "Don't hassle us today,"
And try and stop me doing this,
As if I didn't know it's...
Nope, don't know what you're talking about. At all. In the slightest.
How come you managed to find the lyrics while I didn't? You must a be a Google-Fu Supremo. Or you haven't "lost" your version of the vinyl like I have. Respeck'. Innit.