God-talkers and priests

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_LPeEv8x_HQ0vrV-dgehblyNwQTW85IEkoyhgX9TmcVF7cKG7gu2degN7dc9n_MCpa32F>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 07:04:36 -0000

> >IMO God-talker is an Orlanthism and to call a Dara Happan Priest
> >a God-talker sounds to me as false as calling a natural philosopher
> >in Athens a wizard. God-talking conveys the impression of someone
> >who talks to gods as he does with people whereas the relationship
> >between a Dara Happan Priest and his deity is more like that of an
> >unworthy servant who keeps silent in the divine presence unless
> >spoken to.
> I don't share that impression of the term god-talker but if so
> we should drop god-talker as well and just stick with priest
> and priestess.

Cults of Sartar makes a distinction between god-talkers and priests:

God-talkers are holy people chosen by the gods to communicate with them. They are initiates of an appropriate cult, but normal people in the community except when they lead magic for the clan. God-talkers are well versed in the secrets and rituals of their gods, and often asked for religious advice. All god-talkers are important people in the community and enjoy the legal status of thane â€" however they are not supported by their cult members and are best thought of as part-time magic leaders.

Priests are holy people with a full-time occupation at leading magical activities. They are chosen by the community; some priests owe their position to their devotion or magical affinities, others to their knowledge of cult rituals and myths, still others to their bloodline or reputation. All priests are important people in the community, supported by their cult members, and enjoy the legal status of thane.  Most clans can only support a few fulltime priests, relying on god-talkers to lead many rituals. Priests often have colorful or descriptive names â€" “Storm Voices” among the Thunderers, “Swords,” among the Humakti, and “Doctors” among the healers, for instance. Sometimes an old fashioned spirit master can be found, a Kolating, with his drum and feathered alynx costume, copper bells, and death defying leaps and fire tricks.


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