Re: Glorantha Futures - A Cautious Appraisal

From: john.hughes_at_noYxulGPGTN638uqbQdVeM8feKep8RECcFWoxfusNW0RbYgoydUSwLNzBsFlPexX
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 07:26:20 +1000

Understood Ian, and thanks for the thoughtful and generous reply.  

I hope the respect and friendship is still there between us all. It would be positive if I, and others, could make renewed efforts to rebuild them. (I've made a number of efforts over the last two years, some successful, some not). And while Jeff and I especially seem to be on two sides of an increasing acrimonious divide, I do acknowledge Jeff's considerable and generous efforts to keep the communication open. It was I who finally pulled the plug on that one.  

Talking to Rick off-list would be an option, if Rick responded to my emails. You may have better luck than I (and several others that I know of).    



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