> On Wed, 06 Aug 2008 21:57:42 -0000,jclebreu wrote:
> >--- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, "ttrotsky2" <TTrotsky@> wrote:
> >
> >Thanks for your answer. I know i'm wrong and i will continue to buy
> >some backgrounds books.......if they will contain new material ! :)
> >
> >> The Pavis book will, I gather, include a lot of new material, so it's
> >> not introductory in the sense of simply re-hashing old ground.
> >
> >good news :)
> >wait and see
> >
> >> Quite what has happened to the
> >> Aldryami book, and to Distant Shores, I have no way of knowing.
> >
> >And that's a problem... Why does the editor don't communicate ????
> Deep breath, count to ten....
> I expect the editor does communicate with the author and the
> publisher. Since Trotsky is in none of these roles there's no obvious
> reason why any of them would think to include him in their
> communications.
Ok, I was not clear enough...
I'm sure (no, I hope) that the editor communicates withe the authors,
but he don't communicate with the fans