I have just returned from a wonderful weekend in Berlin (Jeff Richard's wedding) followed by an awesome weekend in the Uk at the Continuum convention. The trip has left me recharged, reinvigorated, and ready to move forward on many things. Special thanks to all those friends (old and new) I had a chance to spend time with, and for all the positive support they provided me.
My first announcement:
Publication related updates:
The Esrolia: Land of 10,000 Goddesses book will be avialable for sale at Warehouse23 and similar outlets in August, uncluding the PDF version on DrivethruRPG. This 58 page addition to the Stafford Library is a wonderful sourcebook on all things Esrolian, with a super set of maps and information on Nochet in particular.
Jeff and Loz are working full tilt on the introductory Cults of Sartar book as the first installment of their larger Pavis: Gateway to Adventure supplement. At Continuum they spoke about both in great detail and podcasts of the seminars should be available on the web soon.
Heroes of Malkion is in the art assignment and layout stage. I expect it to be on sale in paper and PDF form by Christmas this year. Simon has done a wonderful cover for it, and has the art theme well in hand.
When Malkion (the first of three in the series by Trotsky) is done we will then move on to getting the Aldryami book through art and layout. Expect it early in 2009.
While at the convention I also spoke with the authors of many forthcoming projects, including Ian Cooper's Red Cow (Sartar based) campaign book, Newt's Red Storm Rising book, Stu Stansfield's Caladraland book, and several others. No firm dates for those yet.
Greg and I also discussed his Grand Argrath campaign book, and I am happy to report that he is making steady progress on it. I'll defer to him as to when he expects to have his writing finished.
As I first said at a Tentacles convention seminar in May, and restated again at a Continuum seminar, with the added assistance I have recently brought on board, especially with layout and website skills, a great many projects will come to fruition over the next 6- 12 months. No one is more tired of all the past delays than I am.
I realise that I have not touched on every topic or project in the works. There are gloranthan projects, non-gloranthan Questworlds supplements, the website, and more to also update you on, but a partial update now seemed far better than a more complete one at some later date.
May the Great Compromise be restored.
Rick Meints
Moon Design Publications
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