What about setting the Dune boardgame inside the Big Rubble -
possibly during the troll domination.
You have the trolls, the dwarves, the elves, chaos and the humans
(five rather then the six factions I remember)
You could easily have spice replaced with some kind of magical power
for heroquests or food simply for survival....
- In WorldofGlorantha_at_yahoogroups.com, "Keith Nellist"
<keithnellist_at_...> wrote:
> I've not played A Game of Thrones but I am interested in board game
> I'm currently working on a Composite History of Dragon Pass
conversion of Lewis Pulsipher's Britannia boardgame, following a
Fortunate Succession/Pelorian version.
> I recently started thinking about where I could set a Gloranthan
version of the Avalon Hill boardgame Dune. There are some beautiful
home made sets on Boardgame geek and I like the multiplayer/varying
powers aspect. I'm a bit stuck on Prax as the setting with the
Eternal Battle (Storm) and Fodder (for Spice?) or something like that
but I'm not sure that there is enough difference between the tribes
so am thinking that Eiritha/the Paps could be one faction, Storm Bull
cultists another, Waha Khans another, Tada/Independants another,
Outlanders, Chaos.
> I'll have a look at Game of Thrones and see if I think Dragon Pass
is ideal or somewhere else on the Lozenge.
> Keith
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]