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From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_twFoeaN9H_HU05JG-CJj3SF2P0pHV9XMgLod30dCTE0O2Zo10DcwAtxZyUZ-Xr5KRX41>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 17:31:06 -0000

and feeling revived and filled with vim and vip. Great insights from Dave Scott and Nick Brooke. Great new friends like Pete Nash. Great fun with old friends like Greg, Sandy, Loz, Simon, Rick, Graham and many many more. Not to mention cowboys, Indians and Al Swearengen!

More soon. Right now I am trying to summarize a few notable Orlanthi myths into short summary descriptions for the new Cults of Sartar (to provide the backbone for a few feats).

While in London, I went and saw the Hadrian exhibit at the British Museum, which gave me some wonderful visual inspirations. Although I wonder who carved the new statue of the Red Emperor that looms over the Founders Market?


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