> Greg:
> > Can you tell me where in print it says the Yelmalions will be crushed
> > again?
> >
> >
> No, I can't. Why do they worry about it? I suppose this is a reason.
> 1) Yelmalio was crushed at the Hill of Gold. (Gods Age)
> 2) Yelmalions were crushed at the End of 1st Age (Gbaji War)
> 3) Yelmalions were crushed at the End of 2nd Age (Dragonkill)
> 4) Yelmalions will be crushed at the End of 3rd Age ([Insert your opinion,
> YGWV])
Yes, I see.
Well, that is the Destiny of Sun Gods after all.
And almost everyone will be crushed in the upcoming battle of the New Gods
Please be sure to post to them, in Japanese the words of the Founder:
Those who have the Great Light securely within their Fire Soul will endure,
and rise again.
Jeff Richard:
> >Of course there is an Aldachur Temple. But it might be of more recent
> >origin - not one of the old Daysenerus temples or even a Tharkantus
> >temple - perhaps even something constructed in our lifetime.
> I see.
> In auld "Sun County" of RQ 3rd, there are 11 sun dome temples at Dawn Age.
> So if modern number of 15 is true, 4 are new temples.
Officially, there were NO Sun Dome Temples at the Dawn. The god was not revealed until the Battle of Night & Day. http://www.glorantha.com/new/battle_nightday.html and elsewhere
-- Greg Stafford Game Designer [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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