Re: Longevity and immortality in Glorantha

From: Osentalka <Osentalka_at_j0VShLRi5k3xDK3yfucTbFc3W6mukje9ARIiWhWFGfEQ-hDdOILDqmmz1KtiSizdk9>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 12:37:13 +0200

IMG the general overtone (when speaking of other RPGs, not of real world analogues) is Harnmaster meets Ars Magica. But Gloranthas west is by far more complicated and interesting that both of them. :-)

> At 4:29 PM +1200 22/8/08, Peter Metcalfe wrote:
> >
> >A sorcerer could evade death by purifying himself of gross
> >matter and replenishing himself with energies from the
> >higher planes. A disadvantage here is that you eventually
> >become part of the spell and philosophical planes and
> >lose the opportunity to interact with the mortal world.
> This is not the first thing that makes Western sorcery remind
> me of Ars Magica magi.
> Which is fair enough.

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