After listening to the podcast about "Pavis: Gateway to Glorantha" at
the "A Man and His Dice" webpage, I have some questions concerning the
new book about Pavis. Perhaps some of my questions are already
answered in the podcast, but my English isn't good enough to
understand it completely ;).
So, the questions:
- I believe there are scenarios going to be included in the book. If
so, what is the default date of the campaign? 1621 or later? As I
understand, no reprint of the Cradle adventure is going to be
included, but is that event suppossed to have already happened, it
will happen in the future or is simply ignored in this supplement?
- What is the planned page count of the book? How much of the book is
devoted to scenarios?
- Is the Master Plan of Pavis for the city going to be further
detailed? Mongoose has give us a pretty complete description of both
the EWF and Godlearners magic and worldview, but I don't know if that
information has been used while writing the book. How does the Hero
Pavis relate to both groups? I didn't see Pavis as a dragonspeaker nor
as a jrusteli sorcerer. Is the relation between the Hero and the magic
and practices of the two empires explained or at least further explored?
- Are some of the ideas at the "P&BR Companions" by Ian Thompson going
to be included in the new version of Pavis or are they all officialy
disregarded? In those books the city is (among other things) a tool
for Pavis to explore the myths and magics of the Green Age. While the
Companions present this exploration as a "good thing" and Pavis as a
"good" Hero, at the podcast is said something like "the plan of Pavis
to bring back the Green Age is scary because the Green Age is the time
where nothing was differentiated". I like this new vision of Pavis,
less Pavis Goodfellow and more Pavis the Strange Mystic.
- Please, keep the Ancient Measure or a similar group at the core of
the Pavis Cult. I love stories about Nephilim-like masonic secret
societies ;). Of course, I'm going to include them anyway in my
campaign ;), but to have something "official" in the book would be
great for me.
- Not really a question, but I really love the idea of Chaos being
invoked by the humans of the Old City to just survive during the Troll
Ocupation (once again, if I've understood correctly)
Best regards,
My blog: http://frikoteca.blogspot.com