Re: Questions about wyters

From: Gavain Sweetman <gavain.sweetman_at_1KRu_L8eP2AudkL3NbPUv-q_yDAuTiHxmUOm8Wdr6lu93P1c4RfgJA7ykFT7>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 11:20:00 +0000 (GMT)

> > The members of the clan who fled before the Lunar takeover would like to
> > reclaim their wyter from the Lunars.  The have reasoned that the
> > sympathisers would be more interested in Lunar wyters,
> This would depend, of course, on whether the wyter is in some manner aligned
> with Orlanth, or some other entity inherently hostile to the Lunars. If it
> was an Ernalda entity, a ater entity, etc; then it may be just as content
> and useful to Lunars as  to Orlanthi.

The clan is the Firebull clan of the Sambari tribe, the tribe has been taken over following their failed rebellion.  I have it in mind that their wyter, Redback, is aggressive and opposed to the Lunars.  Could be that Redback is a large part of the reason they rebelled.

> the slaves will have little freedom to worship and that therefore they are
> > the only true clan members remaining to worship their old wyter.
> If the Lunars ae not idiots, they will do their best to prohibit this
> worship.

That was my thoughts too.
> > My question is this.  Is it possible to remove the wyter from the original
> > clan lands and transfer it to new tribal lands?
> As Jeff said, it depends on  whether it is mobile or not.
I hadn’t fixed what the wyter object is.  So it’s form will be something for MGF.  Moveable, but not easily so, probably a statue of the Firebull that would take a few men to carry, and slow them down.  Maybe only a part of the statue is needed, it’s horns or something, this would only be revealed at the last possible moment to allow escape, again looking for MGF.  
> Stealing the object the wyter is in isn't a problem, that's just raiding.
> > Changing the territory that the wyter is linked to? I presume that this will
> be a heroquest.
> Many wyters are linked to the people, nto a place. It may also be linked to
> a thing, an animal, etc. So, what is it?

I presumed that because this is the main clan wyter that it would be linked to the place.  
> > If this group want to join another clan, because there are too few of them
> > to have a viable existence.  Can they do so and still keep their wyter?
> Possibly. It really depends on the entity that is the wyter. It could
> "become" a bloodline wyter, a hero band wyter, etc.

Given the belligerent attitude I have imagined for the Firebull then I am sure it would be better as a warband wyter.  
> > Could in these circumstances, a "marriage" between the wyters be arranged?
> To what end?

I suppose more as a symbol of the joining of the two groups.  Much in the same way that there is talk of the Lunars trying to marry the Red Goddess to Pavis to help with the pacification of Pavis.  
> > Would there be any circumstances where offspring could arise from the two
> > wyters?
> Not in normal circumstances. Spiritual entities do not reproduce any more.
> That stopped after the Great Compromise.
> Of course, in a game...

Again this is only meant as a significant symbol of the joining of the two clans.  Again the same effect could arise from the appearance of a third wyter attracted by the presence of the first two wyters

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